24-27 Jun 2025 Strasbourg (France)

Welcome to the website of the 6th Congress of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies

On Wednesday 25, Thursday 26 and Friday 27 June 2025, the University of Strasbourg campus will host the sixth edition of the Congress of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, organised by the French Academic network "GIS MOMM" in partnership with the ARCHE, ARCHIMEDE, DRES, GEO and LINCS laboratories, the Strasbourg Institute of Islamology, the IISMM and the SEMOMM.

As in previous years, the conference will include an inaugural lecture, single (4 papers) or double (8 papers) workshops, round tables, a book fair, a film series and various cultural events. The workshops may cover one or more fields of the humanities and social sciences (anthropology, archaeology and art history, law, economics, geography, history, Islamology and religious sciences, linguistics, literature, philosophy, sociology, political science), from a global or regional perspective, in connection with the study of the Middle East and/or the Maghreb, the Muslim worlds in the broad sense or Islam in the world.

For this year's event, proposals will be submitted in two stages. Proposals for open thematic workshops (between 1,500 and 3,500 characters maximum) should include a title, a summary of the issues and, if appropriate, a bibliography. They may be in French or English, and in one or more languages of the region. They should be submitted by one or two people at most, who should enclose their CVs. They may be submitted until 15 September 2024. The proposals selected by the GIS MOMM Scientific Council will be announced on 15 October.

A second call for papers will focus on individual contributions to the selected thematic workshops. These will be sent out via the GIS MOMM networks and those of the workshop convenors. It is up to them to organise the selection of participants for their workshops. They will have until 15 January 2025 to select the proposals. 

To upload a proposal of workshop

1. If you do not already have a sciencesconf account, you will need to create one and keep your login details.

2. Click on "New submission" in the menu or on "My submissions", click on "Submit an abstract".

3. In the field « Title », enter the title of the workshop

4. In the field « Abstract », enter the scientific summary of the workshop in English and French, with a brief bibliography if necessary (maximum 3500 characters, including spaces, for a summary + bibliography). An abstract in another language may be added, depending on the audience targeted by the call for papers. Contributions may then be submitted in this language, accompanied by a translation into French or English.

5. In the field « Topic », choose one or more disciplines (press [Control] to select more than one item).

6. In the field « Language of text », choose the preferred language of the workshop from English or French. There is only one possible choice, it may simply be the predominant language in the workshop.

7. In the field « Key words », enter at least two categories of keywords, one specifying the discipline(s) or sub-discipline(s) of the proposal, the other specifying the geographical area concerned. You can also add other thematic keywords, using a semicolon (;) to separate keywords.

8. Click on "Next step". In the "Author(s)" category, it will be possible to add another workshop coordinator, provided they have already registered on the site by clicking on "Add an author (+)". A maximum of two workshop coordinators are possible.
If the authors' affiliations are out of date or incorrect, please contact: gismomm-contact@services.cnrs.fr

9. Click on "Next step". In the "Additional information" category, upload a brief CV of the person(s) responsible (maximum 1 page each).

10. Complete the submission at the next stage by clicking on "Submit".

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